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Richard & Sally’s Letter (Chiang Mai)

2019-06-19 15:43
Entering Chiang Mai

1) We are going to finish our sabbaticalyear and return to Chiang Mai and attend at International Mobilization Annual Conference in the end of June. This conference is for meeting, worship and a closefriendship between missionaries from all over the world. Please, pray for this conference to be meaningful.

2) Please, pray for re-adjusting ourselves to Chiang Mai; To get a house, clean, and tidy up things.

3) For things to buy (especially a car and a local telephone) to be properly prepared.

4) Pray for document procedures (for local telephone connection, visa, a driving license, and address registration) to be completed without any trouble.

5) Pray for Sally's health condition: during sabbatical period, although her shoulder rotator didn't get well entirely, she got refreshed spiritually and physically.Pray that she may care for her health continuously with wisdom.

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